BULSHOKAAB is one of the first Somali donation-based crowdfunding platforms for Organizations that aims to support communities and youth initiatives across the Somali regions. The platform built in partnership with Somalia Resilience Program (SOMREP) has been made possible with funding from the multi-donor fund, EU.
BULSHOKAAB is the one of the first donation-based platforms focused on organization mobilizing co-matching funds for community driven projects. All donation go directly to the communities.
Define your goal first and write you story then chose your online fundraising platform. For more info about a good fundraiser follow https://www.gofundme.com/c/blog/how-to-raisemoney and http://www.thefundraisingauthority.com/fundraising-basics/
The donations you made through Bulshokaab directly goes to the community account. The community account is managed by the community committee with strict signatories.
Current Bulshokaab is free fundraising platform, however, in the near future will introduce some fees to make sure sustainability.
Once your e-mail has been verified and your account approved, the support team member will contact you regarding the submission of projects.
An account will be created for each community or initiative. The account will be put in their Bulshokaab platform account for people to see and send their donation. You will also receive campaign management and crowd funding trainings.
We offer a variety of options to give to projects for people inside and outside Somalia. It is our desire to make this process as friction free as possible. We are constantly expanding our technical abilities while observing international financial standards and regulations. If you don’t find your option for making a donation please get in touch with our technical team on technical@shaqodoon.com
Bulshokaab is working on minimal operational costs striving to provide an excellent and transparent service. Often our costs are covered by bilateral and international institutions. Currently there are no fees that have to be paid to Bulshokaab. However standard fees might be applicable.
Please e-mail support@shaqodoon.org or use the contact box on this website.
All project holders have been vetted with international block party screening systems and their IDs has been verified. The transfer process of funds is transparent. Transactions are visualized on the project website Activities on the Project Bank Accounts can be monitored by Bulshokaab and its partners.
Via Remittancy / Transfer Agents Taaj Money Transfer / Amal Money / Amana Online / Dahabshil Money / Hodan Global Money Transfer / Jubba Money Transfer / Aaah Express Money Transfer / Mustaqbal Money Transfer / Tawakal Money Transfer / Iftin Money Transfer / Olympic Express Money Transfer / Bakaal Express Money Transfer / Globalex Money Transfer / Horyal Express Money Transfer / Via Credit Card / Via Mobile Money.
Please use the reset link on the login page to reset your password.
There are different stakeholders involved in deciding community committee, the district authorities, community elders decide who will be the community committee for each project, money goes directly into community account for each project and incoming and outgoing activities can be seen on BULSHOKAAB platform.
Each campaign will run for 90 days. Some projects might receive an extension depending on the progress.